
Spiritual journey and ponderings...

I have seen, what appears to be, the same woodpecker on my morning walks.  This bird is at the top of the hydro pole and alerts me to their presence by tap-tap-tapping on a metal plate.  I look up and watch.  Is this bird communicating wit me or am I simply stumbling upon this bird in its own world?  I don't know but it begs the question how many of us try to penetrate the impenetrable looking for food?  If I choose to believe the bird is saying good morning... then I am staying away from concluding that the bird has hard lessons to learn and is simply, like us humans, slow to learn them.

Sometimes we choose to believe things that we honestly cannot know as truth.  So we must go into our own heart and simply live the life we are born to live.  How many do that?  How many keep pecking at a metal plate hoping they will break through and find what feeds them?  I know I refuse to continue in that path.  It was told to me once that "God" sends me back to learn lessons over and over again until I get it.  As I have matured in my years and moved into a different spirit place I would say further that if there was a God that could "send": me anywhere why would he bother?  I think he would just sit back and have a good laugh at the bumper cars called humans.

I continue to find dark nights of my soul and as I do I hear the words of Thomas Moore in his book.  Page51, "Here is a key idea: stop thinking of your dark nights as problems and begin to see them as opportunities for change."  I love it.

As I prepare to leave Bella Coola and return to Ontario the first of July it will begin a new chapter in my life and for the first time in seven years I am no longer scared.  The dark nights are my friend .. are they yours? 

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