
In court...

Local display at the Terrace Airport
Well I was asked to court in Kitimat, B.C. and I was greeted warmly by the locals.  It is not maybe what you think.  I was not a witness or charged with anything, I was attending the presbytery meeting which is a court of the church.  It was, once again, an enlightening and delightful experience.

This in mind the United Church of Canada is witnessing unsettled waters and the seas are not only on the west coast but all across the land to the other side.  "Church" as those who have been in it know it is changing.  The world outside of church may not even realize the weather in here is frightful, but that being said it is scary for those who are caught in this storm.

I have personally come to that conclusion (even tho it may sound arrogant) that the church needs people more than the people need the church because I can be a divine child with or without the church but the church cannot exist without congregational work and passion.  So all those in church need to ask the question "why are we church?" and then just do it.  The church is needed and respected in the community even if there is no worship time.  It is the work it is doing that is important.  Presbytery is dry and struggling trying to balance between the larger courts and the congregations.  The insight I have gained is how there is a cynicism and anger toward "Toronto" at some of the local levels.  Presbytery often is a four-letter-word in many congregations.  This must change too.

Local church community is in the driver's seat.  If the local community does not work and pay dues then neither presbytery or conference or gen. council can exist.  These groups will exhaust their resources, shrivel up and die. So what does that mean?  It means the local churches need to do what they can to be viable and strong in the community and then pay it forward into a collective group that will streamline and nurture oversight. Although there is a hate on for governance right now, it is only poor governance that is disliked, governance as a concept is a must. Church of the past has lived thinking presbytery is in charge when it is the product of the very groups they represent.

So, as this clarity sets in once again and as I pick up my little stick with the bulging hanky hanging on the end of it, take a little bread and a little wine, and trek a little further along this journey.  I see where I have a role and a responsibility in all this.

To speak out and simply do what I am called to do ... Love abundantly and love wastefully and let the rest take care of itself.

Augustine said (paraphrased), without God I can't, with out me God won't so, in partnership with this mystery and this divine source I move along my path, watching and listening, choosing to do the work I feel called to do because without me doing it, it (MY work) will not get done.   How about you?


Spring changes

It has been four months since I posted to my blog and much of that absence has been spent in deep pondering and a profound wilderness.  Now it is lent, a time when the Christian church recognizes the space where Jesus lived before the crucifixion and resurrection story unfolds.  A time of deep and profound exploration into the dark places in our soul. This purpose-filled exploration may reveal places where the conscious mind cannot go.  It is hard work.  However, by doing this work one uncovers a vast and wonderful place within our own existence.  As Thomas Moore says in his book, Dark Nights of the Soul on page 46, "Your dark night may be a rite of passage" and take you someplace wonderful.

In Christian language the words "sabbath" and "salvation" are used.  I have reclaimed them into my own life even while deeply discerning my own spiritual journey.  As I find "sabbath" which means rest, I have heard the wee small voice, that which is my deepest desires crying out to be married to the person I am on the outside.  My "salvation" comes when I make space for this wee small voice to come out and visit the world I live in and see how it manifests.  This purposeful rest and making space has created a new awareness of my inner and outer world.

Just this past week I was honoured when a friend said to me, "You look fantastic!"  I thanked her and felt amazed how now I have allowed the inner depths of my soul to shine through it is revealed to others.  I shared with her that I finally feel that if someone was to reach into the piggy bank slot in the top of my head, grab my soul and flip me inside out I would look the same.  This has been the result of purpose-filled intentional discernment into my beliefs and my spiritual journey.  It has been life changing.

As I turn 55 this summer I will do so with a clear consciousness that I am on the right path.  Walking a good journey and beginning yet again knowing the most important things in life are family relationships, loving friends and being truthful to your own spirit.  One of my soul mates posted this picture today to Facebook and it is very true.  What is holding you tethered?  What imaginary bondage are you bowing to? What is keeping you chained?  Free yourself, find your sabbath and your salvation and reclaim the true meaning of these words.

As one chapter is complete and another chapter is beginning I hope you will be part of my spiritual growth and the work I intend to do.  LesMar Respite Elder Care is part of this journey.  It would help me so much if you would "like" my page on Facebook and watch for the launch of my website.

The path continues to be revealed as I walk along .... how about you?