As I work through the planning of the trip to Ireland this September there is much more to it than the flight, accommodation and meal planning. For me it is a journey a long time coming. It started in the 1700's where the ancestors are rooted. Not just for Irish lands, for history and past lives lived, and a place that bears roots to my own existence.
As I work through my life planning the third trimester this trip to Ireland is the pivot point of the next thirty years ... it seems I have come to the place where I am now ready and spiritually able to do what I came to do. Fulfill what I believe is my "bus stop" conversation. Spend time observing and perfecting the "soul contract" or soul's purpose that I have uncovered. Bring to fruition that which is deep in my heart.
I recently listened to a podcast talking about having a job verses what is your life's work. As per usual it arrived in my life just when I was ready to hear the message. It was a message, a message for me to say, "good work, faithful servant, you have arrived!" from the one song, "uni-verse" that I listen to so intently these days. In the past few months I have been learning a new "job". A job that has taken me on a new path to my own learning. This job is now teaching me about my "work". I have come to see my work is being with people. Growing that which is awareness around the energy that feeds us to live a full human existence and to life to the fullest potential our own "bus stop" story.
The "bus stop" experience story or the finding of your "soul's purpose" is a deep understanding of who you are spiritually. What does your spirit look like? What is your purpose? How can you find yourself? Why would you want to do so? All deep questions that I have pondered over the past20 years and beyond. As a little girl I always talked out loud to myself, answering the questions that seemed to be present in my mind. Thinking in duality. I am sure if I had shared this I would have been wrapped up and sent to the hospital as being unwell. This craft of talking with myself has come full circle. It is part of why I wish to return my soul/spirit to Ireland to stand on the ground where Robert and Eliza began. I realize there is more beyond Robert Breadner, splat here (born) January 26, 1796 and he was a child of the evolutional self that is now me, and so I know it is just two points on the continuum of lives lived. It feels right and full and real for me to begin my next thirty years there in Ireland, in the County of Armagh. This means of being connected to the self from the time I was quite small is the remnants of my childhood angelic state that most of us forget. Today I am my own best friend, my own greatest fan, lover, companion and truly my own source of greatest peace.
My work is to take the first 60 years of my life's lessons and share the wisdom with others as I walk with them along their way. Give them tools and experience as their teachers so they too can find their own way to fulfillment. My job takes me to the intersection where that can happen and my "jobs" always have done that. I have had many jobs because the jobs are the feint, or the deception, of the heart to take me along the road.
What is your life's work? Are you simply a pawn in the game of life? These questions now have meaning for me where I have found clarity and see more clearly. Such a gift. The next thirty years for me will be living out this work I am being called to listen to; that which is the soul contract my spirit signed up for. Can you face and find your call? Come and walk with me, let me guide you and be your beacon, stepping ahead and keeping you on track ...
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