It is a simple system as you can see but a system none the less. Where would we be without systems? There are systems everywhere. The problem arises when systems break down and no longer serve a purpose or become hurtful, or counter-productive to the very purpose they were created for. It is then this system needs to be revisited.
Yesterday we had an uplifting and educational morning at church. It was Aboriginal Sunday in the United Church of Canada and, with the St. Andrew's congregation I celebrated the Native Canadian. It was uplifting and inspiring as Danielle, my daughter, told her story of her eight week stay in Winnipeg at the Inner City Mission . She has raised over $7000 toward a van to transport children in a dangerous community and continues her work. It is here in these educational places where we see the intentions of the early colonizers who put a system in place that went horribly wrong and it took 150 years for it to be corrected. The system called "residential school system" was broken from the onset, but was not changed until great damage had been done and is still denied in some circles as being problematic. For this, I ask the forgiveness of all those hurt by this system and ask to share time with the injured, hear their stories and honour the pain they have endured so I can begin to act and help with healing. I will do that when I move to Bella Coola and begin ministry with this community.
The mending of bridges starts with a sincere apology and then changes in systems and actions. I will do that. I will go with a humble heart and ask the people I encounter to tell me their story. I will listen and I will lament and mourn. Then we will heal together. Take a minute and listen to this short clip of song Sweetgrass and Candle (from the United Church in Canada Website) as you rest and nest in your space. Think about the systems you have in place in your life. Are there some that need revision? What works for you? Does your system bring you closer to the sacred and clear the way for you to see your own heart? Are you reaching your own native roots? Who are you?
The Creator is hovering, waiting for you to find your true and authentic self. Breathing life into your life so you can find your way. Rest in your native self and go where you are prompted. Blessings on your journey this day and for all days forward.
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